Friday, March 5, 2010

Ellie smelled Collin this morning and says, "lovely, Collin! Mommy, Collin need clean diaper. Stinky!" Apparently I shouldn't be so sarcastic around her. We ran random errands today went through Starbucks drive-thru, went to a doctor's appointment. Some days I want to run and hide from the noise and chaos, but days like today I love. In spite of a few attitude issues (when are there not, whether it be Ellie or myself?) and Ellie wearing very un-matched clothing, I love being a mom. I'm so thankful that Steven works hard and, unfortunately long, so that I can stay home with the kids. And I'm thankful that he's such a great Dad when he is home. I'm thankful for God's grace getting me through the days when I'm not sure how to discipline Ellie. I wouldn't change my life. Well, maybe a little more time with my amazing husband. And a few extra hours to sleep or read.

Collin was diagnosed with GERDs yesterday. We suspected something was up besides normal fussiness, but I really wanted to avoid putting him on formula or medication. But he has a mild enough case that he doesn't need to go on formula. And after one night on Zantac, I'm ok with the medicine! After eating at 9:00pm, Collin slept until 1:30am, then 5:15am! I'm not sure we new what to do with so much sleep! I'm still not comfortable with him sleeping in his (un-moving) swing, but in the absence of anything else to keep him propped up it's working. Frustrating situation seems to be under control. And I'm thankful, once again, that my little man doesn't have so many of the problems he could have had.

Nap-time is almost over for another day. Sigh... and smile. :)