Wednesday, June 9, 2010

So we took Collin to the doctor yesterday morning. He had screamed most of the night and, let's face it, hasn't been eating all that great and was crying when he did. He had gone from 12lbs 12oz 8 days ago, to 12lbs 0.9oz. I never have cried much but this poor baby is turning me into a cry baby. I HATE the feeling of not being able to calm my own little guy, or not being able to do anything about his pain. His doctor increased his medicine to the max dose possible, and now we're waiting to see if it works. If not, she can try one more medication but will probably send him to a gastrologist. I'm dreading that. He would have to go through painful and unpleasant tests. We're praying really, really hard that he's going to be better before that has to happen!

He is, though, such a happy baby when we're not trying to get him to eat. He's in love with his bumbo seat and jumperoo right now. He also LOVES to 'stand' with us holding his hands and arms, and just cracks up every time. Ellie has started to ask if he can cuddle in her bed and they'll just lay there looking at each other or Ellie will read to him.

We went to the library today, Ellie in search of a new Kipper movie and I in search of some books to read that we haven't read yet. We came home with (what else!) a Kipper book, a book about a ballerina, and one about brothers and sisters. Someday I'll venture back to my section, but for now we're sticking to picture books.

Both of them are napping right now, so I should probably take advantage of the quiet and get some cleaning done. I also need to brainstorm about new dicipline tactics for Ellie. Which is a whole different topic...

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