Wednesday, July 21, 2010

6 months old!

Yesterday was a big day. Collin turned six months old! I can hardly believe it. We had pictures yesterday, and he was so happy and content. He actually fell asleep towards the end! I am so thankful for how he is doing. I really wondered in the first few months whether he would be ok, or if we would have a fussy baby turn into a fussy toddler. But he is amazing! He loves being on a schedule, too. He's sleeping from 8:00pm to 8:00am, waking up to eat once around 10:00pm. He's also taking a 2 1/2 hour morning nap, and a pretty long afternoon nap, and then another cat nap either between his naps or in the evening. He's eating better, as well, and hopefully we'll be starting cereal in the next few weeks. He has a check-up tomorrow so we'll see how much he's grown and how he's doing. I want to be able to wean him off his medicine soon, but that probably won't happen for a while. In the space of one week, he has a teeny tiny tooth, he is rolling over, and now sitting up!!! Although he tips over very easily, I am shocked! He's been so behind I thought for sure he wouldn't sit up for at least another month. I don't know if I'm ready for this stage yet!

Ellie has been having more ups and downs. She does pretty good when we stay at home or keep our outings to one errand at a time. But when we're out, she seems to forget everything she knows and I never know what she'll do. Which means she's learned the actions of obeying but not the attitude. Not what I'm looking for! So I'm back to reading my Todderwise books and praying and brainstorming. She is still doing really good with Collin. It helps that he adores her and reaches for her all the time. If he needs to be woken up for any reason I always send Ellie in first; he'll fuss if anyone else wakes him up but if he sees his sister first, he's all smiles!

We finished the playroom yesterday. All of their toys are downstairs now. I haven't quite figured out what to do about toys that are too small for Collin. I need to figure it out soon, though, since he is starting to roll around to get where he wants. Ellie LOVES it, although she is a little confused why she does room time somewhere other than her room. We also cleaned her room and it is ready for Collin to move in this weekend. She's excited, and I'm nervous! The afternoon nap is going to be the hard one, since Collin goes down a little later than she does and sometimes fusses in the middle of his nap as well. I really need to work on getting Ellie to sleep in our bed occasionally so we have that option if either is having a bad day.

Well room time is over and I hear Collin chattering. Not sure what I'm going to do with TWO chatterboxes! Maybe they can listen to each other.

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