Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Dear Ellie~

My wonderful, crazy, dancing tomboy. You are so funny these days. You dance everywhere, maybe you've forgotten how to walk? You sing most of what you say. You sound like you're at least five, and I keep having to remind myself that yes, you are two, and you will act two! You want to do everything yourself. We have to remind you sometimes, but you're pretty good at asking politely. You're amazing with your 'please' and 'thank you's. You still sleep very well at night and take a long nap in the afternoons. If you start getting tired, you ask for lunch and a nap. :) Your favorite things are reading, ballet, and princesses. You also like to pretend a lot.

Your favorite book right now is "Let's Go On a Mommy Date." I know I haven't been spending as much time with you as we want. You are amazingly patient, though. I love the times when we can leave, just you and me, and go play at the park or run errands together. Your commentary on what we do always makes me laugh. Your favorite place to go is, oddly, Target. Maybe because Laci works there and we sometimes see her. Or maybe because you get to hold the list. Or because you get to sit in the back of the cart when Collin isn't with us. Or the sticker they give you when we check out. Whatever the reason, we have lots of fun there!

You are the best big sister right now. You tell me Collin is your favorite. You run to check on him every morning and LOVE to "go first" when we get him up. I don't mind at all, because no matter how grumpy he is if we have to wake him up, you are guaranteed to make him smile. It's hard for anyone to stay grumpy when they wake up to your smiling face! Your playtime with Collin everyday makes me so proud. You're very gentle with him, and calmly remind me to be gentle with you and "no getting my hair, buddy!" You're also great at sharing with him. You've even shared Moose and Elephant occasionally, which is amazing to me. They are the two things I've told you you don't have to share, and you still do. I pray that you will always love your baby brother, even when he gets old enough to crawl and take your toys, or follow you around and bug you, or tease you and your friends. You will always be siblings, and I hope you will always be friends.

Another thing I'm proud of you for is your good attitude. We've had a few ups and downs in the last month, mostly it seems because Collin was taking so much of my time that you plain just needed more of Daddy and Mommy. We let you go to Grandma's for a weekend to get some special one on one time and that helped a little, although the transition from Grandpa and Grandma's house of fun back to our normal expectations is always a little frustrating. I've started getting up early so I've had time to clean downstairs and shower and get myself ready for the day, so when you get up I'm not distracted. We've also started doing Bible time every morning as soon as Collin goes down for his nap, and although you sometimes get bored, I know it's helping both of us to have a time set aside to spend with Jesus. You pray, quite well I might add. You go through the list of people you're thankful for, and pray for Uncle Micah "going to be a Marine" and Evan's owie that healed months ago and Aunt Hesedel at work that she'll come home faster. You pray for Collin's tummy not to hurt so he won't cry, and you pray that different friends will come visit us. You are so compassionate and caring. I'm not sure what we're doing at the moment to teach you this, but whatever it is, it's working.

Right now you're watching Kipper, TV time for the day. Then we are going to the library and car wash. I'm sure you'll give me the play by play of "the car's getting a shower" and probably ask to go to the "blue chicken nugget store." I love these days of toddler-hood. I think I'm learning as much as you. I love watching you grown and learn and become the little ballerina-person that you want to be. Just don't grown up too fast, ok?

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